Bravo Roofing Are Your Expert Healthcare Facility Roofers
Have your healthcare facilities fought roof leaks in the past?
A leaking roof can bring on immediate panic and often times, put someone in an unsafe position. Whether you have an emergency or not, it’s important to trust the person you call to solve the problem.
Bravo Roofing has proudly served our healthcare community for 27 years. From providing business partners with a roof analysis to working with their facilities engineer to design an appropriate roof system, we meet every roofing needs. Contact our healthcare facility roofers today to get started.

Call 714-672-9061 or contact us here and we can discuss your healthcare roofing project.
24/7 Emergency Leak Service
You can count on the leak detection expertise, technology and professionalism you receive from Bravo Roofing. We specialize in healthcare roofing projects.

We would like the opportunity to inspect any roofing system as a way of being proactive versus reactive. It costs less to be proactive, and reduces the stress that comes with a last-minute emergency. Servicing and maintaining a roof system is no different than maintaining a home, vehicle, or otherwise. The roofing system is an investment in the building, and the better it is taken care of, the better it will perform.
One of our popular services is helping with capital budgeting. If your team is needing to plan budgets for this year or three years down the road, we are happy to assist with the process.
Through education, documentation, and clear communication, the Bravo team has the experience and expertise to manage your roof systems.
Our promise is to not only solve your problem, but communicate to the facilities engineer, facilities manager, or board or directors throughout each step of the process.
Services we offer to our healthcare community:
Roof Analysis
Leak Tracing
Value engineering
Roof Close Out
GPO Partnering
Capital Budgeting
Major and Minor repairs of existing roof Systems
Preventive and Corrective Maintenance Programs
Exterior Waterproofing
24/7 Leak Service
Our team would love to visit with you about your roofing needs. Please call us today or fill out the contact form below. We look forward to serving you!

Do you have roofing needs? Let’s chat today!
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